Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Latest Trip To The Land Of The Letter Between L And N

Being a glutton for punishment, I decided to travel the to the "goldish colored giant letter between L and N fast food establishment" to get another Iced Tea, and what I found shocked the crap out of me.

Before I start with the "shocking the crap out of me" part, I want to take a minute and ask any members of law enforcement (or those black helicopter guys) to run an analysis on their Iced Tea, it is addictive.  Kidding " goldish colored giant letter between L and N fast food establishment", please don't sue me!  All the kidding aside, I love that damned tea and it taunts me every time I think about it. 

Okay back to regular programming, the thing that scared the crap out of me was the fact that my order was taken in under 3 1/2 hours (it took just about 30 seconds), however my ears were bleeding from the primal scream that the window order person blasted at me when she welcomed me.  As I turned the corner, I watched as a car slowly pulled away from the SECOND window (I think they were warm and fuzzy, so all must have gone well).  In an attempt to assist the window money taker person, I provided them with a crisp, neatly folded bill (it really wasn't, it was balled up in my pocket and it had pocket fuzz on it) as well as the exact change.  To my surprise, the window money taker discovered that I had counted wrong and I provided her with the additional coins to rectify the boo boo.

Here's where it happened, the second window.  The infamous second window where it sucks out the souls of every employee making them into a lifeless zombie as well as the sanctuary for the preservation of the endangered plastic straws.  Its a lifeless zone and much like a portal to Hell itself, I can see the befuddled customers shuffling about and the collective IQ's of each patron dropping 100 points.  This is the place, this is place of the despair and where your order morphs into some concoction that a 16 year old kid just made while thinking about that skank that crushed his spirit like it was a soap bubble.  Fear lives here.

As I approached the window I prepared myself for the sight of the zombies and then a perky friendly young lady presented my beverage to me with a smile and then thanked me and told me to have a nice day.  What in the Hell was that all about?  Why perky and friendly?  I expected Endora from "Bewitched" and instead I got Blair from "Facts of Life". 

Thanks "goldish colored giant letter between L and N fast food establishment" you just screwed up my rant.  Alas, I just remembered that there is always tomorrow, and "Blair" can't be there all of the time.  Unless she is a robot.  Or a zombie.  Who knows...

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